Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Break time

We're taking a small break from booking new clients for Uncle Allan.
Old ones too for that matter.

So, if you want to book an appointment, please contact us (conspiracyinctattoo@gmail.com) after July 1st.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

E.P. NEWS >>>> MAY-HEM !!

From the office of blood , sweat and tears !!

Ladies and gentlemen , welcome to May ! A surprisingly very hot month for us , people of the rainy island kingdom !!

Behold ... If ever you were interested in dropping by to see me on one of these fine May days ( Double espresso / Black Black thanks ) ... Here's my schedule of attendance at the Nansensgade 52 office !!

Thursday the 7th of May (from 4 till pretty late)
Friday the 8th of May (from 2 till late)
Thursday the 14th of May (from 2 till late)
Friday the 15thof May (from 2 till late)
Thursday the 21st of May (from 2 till late)
Friday the 22nd of May (from 2 till late)
Saturday the 23rd of May (from 2 till late)
Thursday the 28th of May (from 2 till late)

Still booking every continuing session on every second 25th / 2 months ahead ( Next time : On the 25th of May for July and August ) !! And still taking project submissions for new pieces at any time ( For a spot on the waiting list ( Approx. 9 to 12 months now !))

Stay safe out there and stay away from people who sneeze in the bus !!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

First week back

Phew, it's been rough coming back from Japan this time.
We miss Tokyo so much, and i'm having some serious onigiri withdrawals already.
Rough i tell ya.

But the weather has been great, the warmest April in years (or is it ever?) and that always helps, right?
In fact it's been so great, that the local drunks seem to think summer is here already, and so it's that time of year where they come into the shop, and rant about some tattoo they're never gonna get.
Note to all summer-drunk people of Copenhagen: We will not tattoo you!

Even after you sober up, and maybe still want to get tattooed, we're all booked up for the summer (and beyond).
So book a time well in advance and maybe next summer you can look all fancy with your shirt off!

To all the sober clients and friends, you can now enjoy a cup of coffee outside in the sunshine.
Yes, we've taken out the summer furniture again, so come by and try it out for yourself.

Me and Allan having a bagel break in the sun

Allan is back to working monday to friday and Nicks May attendance will be posted here soon (right Nick?).
No tattoo pictures today, but go check Allans blog for some of that good made-in-Japan stuff!