Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Last work day at Nansensgade

So, as the title suggests, Allan had his last work day at the old shop today, and i doubt that another tattoo will ever be made at that address.
At least i'm hoping that won't happen!
I've been packing most of the day and while it's a little weird to look at the bare walls and think "i painted that line" or take down a bunch of shelves i put up, i am not really feeling sentimental at all.
This has been a long time coming, particularly if you count the years we've been dreaming about moving, and we're so ready to start our new lives at the new shop.
Which is still not finished, but let's not get into that!

I wonder how we ever managed to fit this much crap into our tiny little shop?
Slowly getting there...
Bye bye

Moving day is this saturday, i hope it goes smoothly.

Ps, This is our 100th post on the shop blog, hurray for that!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Its Wabbit Season.


Or rather an Un-Tooned Jessica Rabbit.
Wonder if this is that she would look like if she was real?
1/5th Scale. Bout 16" tall. That may be closer to a 1/4th.
More pix in the Sculpture Galleries.

More gallery fun testing.

Click the image to shuffle to the next pic.

"Hi, i'm here for my appointment with Uncle Aaaaaaaaaaaaa..." *Clonk*

We seem to me moving in the wrong direction here, people.
Just saying.

Pit of death

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Original Sculpture SALE!!!!!!!!!!

All sculpts on this page: Sculpts for sale . Are for sale at a lowered price.
$500.00+shipping, 2 castings and sculpting credits.
Mail me at: spanglerart @ if interested.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Save a horse, Ride a Cowgirl.


Getting close to haveing this one finished. Still a few things i have to do.
More pix in the GALLERIES.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday with Sam's sloth

Vegan cake
Non-vegan snacks
Sloth, bloody sloth
Sam, baker of the cake and owner of the sloth!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My best friend


Ive been wanting to do this for a long time.
This is Darrian. My bestest buddy in the whole world.
I put this off till i felt my skills were up to doing it right.
Hope you enjoy it. You can find more pix in the GALLERY.