Saturday, July 7, 2012

August guest artist info, part deux

Ok, who's up for part two of the August Guest Trilogy?
No one in Copenhagen, that's for sure, cause they're all at Roskilde Festival watching Bruce Springsteen right now....*grrr*.... but to everyone else, here's some more guest artist info for you!

Wendy Pham, also from Melbourne, Australia will be guesting at the shop from August 13th to 15th, plus the 23rd and 24th as well.
If you'd like to book an appointment with her, please send an email with your ideas for the tattoo, placement, budget and preferred date to get tattooed to
Remember, as always, fun custom stuff only!
Scroll down to see some of her awesome work, and check out her instagram for more tattoos and paintings (@wendy_pham).

I might wait with the next guest post until Monday... just to give people a chance to get home from Roskilde.
You think i'm kidding, but i'm not, i'm the only person left in Copenhagen right now!
DK: Vi har tre gæste tatovører der kommer på besøg i August, så endelig kommer der en chance for at få en awesome tatovering uden at stå på venteliste i årevis.
Nummer to er Wendy Pham fra Australien, der kommer fra den 13. til 15. August, samt den 23. og 24. August.
Hvis du kunne tænke dig at blive tatoveret af Wendy skal du sende hende en mail (email adresse står i den engelske tekst) med dine ideer til design og placering, samt evt. budget og dato du kan blive tatoveret.
Og husk, kun sjove ideer!

Tattoos by Wendy Pham

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