Wednesday, July 31, 2013

RE-Baby Weighing 6.10kg Born Without A Caesarean Section... A Readers Perspective

Hi Ladun,

I would like to raise this issue. Yesterday there was a news on your blog about a baby that weighed about 6kg delivered without c section. Marvelous. I am married with two wonderful kids and delivery was normal and the gynecologist was very thorough and professional. I was very impressed. I am tempted to mention his name and hospital but I'll hold it so that this message will not be misconstrued.

Having said that, I must say that over the years i have observed (through friends and family) that majority of medical personnel in Nigeria are so quick to do c section on  our women most times when it is not required. It appears the financial implication (more charges ofcourse) is more important to these doctors. I am so sure of what I am saying because I have seen this happen over and over again. Even the big names elite private hospitals are not left out. Like I said, they are not all guilty, but it is sad that the majority are involved in this scandalous practice.
Please let other readers share their experience, and let the doctors explain wetin dey! haba!

Do you agree with her? Have you experienced this? Do share with us.

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