Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Why You Should Date In Your University Days- LL Reader

I'm writing this letter just to encourage the men that haven't found their better half. Let me tell you this short story. I met my boyfriend in the university and we've been dating since then. Been almost 4yrs now and I tell you, he (MTL) is the best thing that has happened to me. 

He's not entirely rich, and he's not poor. But he gives me what he has and what I ask from him. And no, I'm not ugly, poor, cripple, blind or dumb. I'm a pretty and an intelligent girl. We may have our problems (which are usually mighty) but I've got his back and he's got mine. I appreciate him and I tell anyone who cares to listen.

Back to men. When the right girl comes your way, you'll know. Don't look for the richest, the most popular, the best dressed, etc. Look for the girl that sits at the back of the lecture hall and has an A at the end of the semester.

Look for the girl who is an SU than a girl who prefers clubbing every Friday night.  Look for the girl who would rather study with you than use your money to pay someone who will write her exams for her.
Marriages these days end in divorce because you don't know who you're married to. A person's character is better revealed in the university because that's the first opportunity the person has at freedom. Be guided!

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