Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I'm At MFM Prayer City

I think I owe you guys this. I am very sorry that I have not been working. I’m at MFM camp ground and the sockets in my room have not been working. Unknown to me almost all of their rooms had the same problem, and guests have been complaining. Their maintenance team tried their best, but they still didn’t work. This is like their best guest house o, hmm. Anyway we just sorted it this morning after I made up my mind that I was leaving, there’s no way I will stay for 3-5days without updating the blog, and alas it was sorted, lol. I’m so excited am back, hmm still got (9 -12am) prayers this morning tho, but once am back, its fire, lol. I saw all the comments directed at me; please it was something I couldn’t control. Thank you for understanding.

Btw, let me share these prayer points that I enjoyed with you.  Every follow follow spirit, that has followed me here saying I won’t receive my breakthrough, are you mad? Die by fire. Every arrow of backwardness go back to sender IJN. Every strongman of poverty in my father’s house, your time is up, what are you waiting for, die by fire. Every evil noise in my foundation I command you to be silent. The prayers are quite much but these are the ones I can remember, so enjoy and keep praying till I return… lol. From me to you it’s love all the way…. cheers.

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